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5 Amazing Stories Where Cheaters Got What They Deserved

They lied, they deceived, they played the fool. But these cheaters forgot that karma has a wicked sense of humor.

Here are five amazing short stories that will serve you a steaming plate of delicious revenge; wait until you’ve read the 5th one, where Ava’s cheating husband met karma!

1. I Cheated On My Family, Life Taught Me a Harsh Lesson

My name is William. Six years ago, I left my wife Linda and daughter Isabelle for another woman. It wasn’t the life I expected. I ended up miserable, jobless, and alone. Now, I was heading to a job interview at a beef jerky factory, hoping for a fresh start.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Well, I got the job – it was the same type of work I did with Linda years ago for our own jerky business that failed.

On my third day, the manager mentioned the CEO’s visit and how impressing her could get me a promotion.

I didn’t pay much attention until a crowd gathered, and there she was – my daughter Isabelle, all grown up and the company’s CEO.

“Isabelle?” I stammered, completely surprised.

“Dad?” she replied coldly. “Long time no see.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

We met in her office later.

“How did you become CEO?” I blurted.

Isabelle’s smile vanished. “It wasn’t easy. After you left, we lost our home and most of our belongings. Mom had to move in with my aunt, and then…” her voice cracked, “they told me her heart condition was worse, and she needed surgery – over $100,000.”

I felt a pang of guilt.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Years ago, Isabelle was about to submit her college application when she learned about her mom’s heart condition. She decided to put her dreams on hold and use the money for her mom’s treatment.

Remembering our failed jerky business, she bought a used truck and collected our old equipment from the confiscated house. She even set up a makeshift production space in an abandoned house.

Isabelle experimented with the recipe, finally creating a jerky she loved. She spent months pitching her product to retailers, and her hard work paid off.

A big company wanted to carry her jerky, but they needed to see her factory. Isabelle had two weeks to prepare for the inspection, and on top of that, she found out her mom’s surgery couldn’t be delayed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Desperate, she approached her former classmate’s father, Mr. Navarro, for investment. He agreed on the condition that he get a share of the profits and part of the money from the house sale.

“Mr. Navarro and I made the deal. I passed the inspection and got my first check. It helped me get our house back and get Mom the surgery we needed. We survived, Dad. But betrayal has a price. You’re fired. Wait for me behind the warehouse.”

Fifteen minutes later, Isabelle returned with two boxes. “Open it, Dad,” she said. Inside were the old kitchenware and oven – the remnants of my failed business venture.

“We’re even now,” she said with a sad smile. “You have what you need to start over. Just believe in yourself. I’ve been there.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I stood outside the warehouse, the boxes at my feet. Isabelle was right. It was time to make things right. I had a chance to start over, and this time, I wouldn’t let it slip away.

Just like Isabelle, Miranda took brilliant revenge when her cheater ex and his girl humiliated her at her workplace.

2. My Ex Regretted Ruining My Day at Work

My world crumbled when my boyfriend, Colin, dumped me. It was bad enough everyone knew, but then things got worse.

One day, I was late for work again. I worked at a restaurant.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“One more time, Miranda, and your job’s at risk,” my boss, Michael, warned me.

Just then, I saw Colin at a table with his new girlfriend, Leslie. My stomach lurched. I didn’t want to serve them, but Michael wouldn’t listen; professionalism above all.

They were awful.

Colin made fun of my background, Leslie cackled as he dropped his fork “accidentally,” forcing me to pick it up. Then, Colin flipped his plate, spilling spicy stew all over me.

Feeling humiliated, I ran to the kitchen in tears, and Chef Robert saw me crying.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

He listened as I poured out my heart, telling him how Colin tricked me into going to a party where I got drunk and ended up in compromising photos. Those photos got me expelled from college.

Now, this job was the only thing that kept me afloat.

“They deserve payback,” I choked out. “Can you make their food extra spicy?”

Reluctantly, Robert agreed.

But here’s the twist: we didn’t make their food extra spicy. We made a secret spicy sauce, and I served them their food – the usual Mexican stew.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Leslie mocked the stew again, saying it wasn’t spicy enough. Then, Colin wiped his mouth with the napkin I’d tampered with and went red as a beet, gasping for breath. Remember the extra spicy sauce Robert and I had made?

Leslie panicked, urging him to breathe. Shame burned on her face as people stared and laughed. They had seen her humiliate me, and they were enjoying the revenge, too.

“This is awful! I’m leaving!” Leslie finally yelled and stormed out.

A small smile played on my lips. Karma. Colin, though in pain, yelled at me, accusing me of messing with his food. But Michael, ever the hero, stepped in. He tasted the stew and declared it perfect.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Miranda’s been a great employee,” he said, his voice firm. “She wouldn’t do that.”

Grateful, I locked eyes with Michael, a silent thank you passing between us. Although he’d seen the tampered napkin, he took my side.

“Sometimes, the heat comes from how we treat others, Colin,” he said to Colin.

Colin was speechless. Right then, I knew I wasn’t alone.

Kindness and respect are what matter the most in life, and I found them in Michael and Chef Robert. Even through the pain, I learned a valuable lesson: true friends stand by you, and revenge can be served with a little spice but a whole lot of self-respect.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Something similar happened in the next story. A woman accused her daughter-in-law of cheating on her son but ended up exposing herself. What exactly happened?

3. My MIL Got a Taste of Karma

My mother-in-law, Georgia, never liked me. When my husband, Hans, and I brought our newborn son home, she visited and created a scene. “That baby isn’t yours, Hans!” she shouted, accusing me of cheating.

Hans defended me, but Georgia insisted the baby’s features weren’t like our family’s. Hurt and angry, I told them to leave.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

But the situation escalated. Georgia convinced her family I cheated, and they bombarded us with messages. We decided to get a DNA test to shut them all up.

The test confirmed Hans was the father, but the drama wasn’t over. Georgia questioned the results. This time, her husband, Manny, spoke up.

“How come Hans is B+ blood type when we’re both O+?” he asked Georgia.

The room fell silent. Georgia looked flustered. Finally, she confessed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Hans wasn’t Manny’s biological son. She had cheated with a family friend years ago.

The truth angered me. “You were projecting, weren’t you?” I said, realizing she accused me because of her own guilt.

Georgia cried, and Manny walked out, followed by her. They had a lot to unpack.

Hans seemed calmer than I expected. “We’ll figure things out with Dad,” he said. “At least we know for sure about our son.”

Later, we learned Georgia and Manny divorced. The family found out why. To top it off, Georgia started dating her affair partner – Hans’s biological dad! We cut contact with her. What happened next?

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Manny apologized for suggesting the DNA test and remained in our lives.

It was a crazy situation, but our little family is doing well. You never know what drama awaits within a family.

You think this was insane? Wait until you find out what Candace’s husband was doing behind her back. Spoiler: It wasn’t just limited to cheating.

4. I Walked in on a Nightmare

My name is Candace, and I’m a college professor. Exhausted from teaching, I raced home one day for some rest. But when I got there, I saw my husband Octavius’s jacket out of place and heard a strange noise from the bedroom. Dread filled me as I opened the door.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

There he was with my brightest student, Ariadne, both flustered. “Octavius, what’s happening?” I demanded, looking at his half-buttoned shirt.

Octavius claimed Ariadne just needed career advice since I wasn’t home.

“Is that true, Ariadne?” I asked, looking right at her.

“Y-yes,” she stammered.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Unconvinced, I turned back to Octavius. “Something’s wrong, tell me the truth!”

As we argued, Ariadne broke down sobbing. I knelt beside her, my anger replaced with concern.

“Take your time, Ariadne. Tell me what happened when you’re ready.”

“Maybe we should talk alone, Candace,” Octavius interjected.

“No! I want to hear her side,” I said firmly. “Leave, Octavius!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Octavius hesitated, then stormed out. I turned back to Ariadne, offering her a comforting smile. She explained she was there for advice, but the situation looked terrible. I sent her home and decided to talk to her later.

Later that night, after Octavius returned, I demanded answers. He still claimed Ariadne was just emotional about her future, but his story rang hollow.

The next morning, I found Octavius’s laptop open and decided to go through his mail. And that’s how I discovered his hidden email account. My heart sank as I saw emails between him and Ariadne, filled with inappropriate content.

There were even emails from my other female students!

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Octavius, my trusted husband, had been manipulating and exploiting my students. I confronted him with the evidence. He denied everything and tried to manipulate me again, calling Ariadne a liar. But I wouldn’t be swayed.

“We’re done, Octavius,” I declared, packing my bags. “I won’t let you destroy their lives.”

“You’ll regret this!” he threatened me.

But I wouldn’t be intimidated. After leaving the house I shared with my cheating husband, I contacted the university dean and reported everything. Then, I called Ariadne, who agreed to press charges.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Weeks later, I sat in the courtroom, watching Octavius desperately defend himself. Then, the officers arrived and arrested him. The cops said they had a warrant. I knew the detective in charge of Ariadne’s case was successful in digging up more dirt against Octavius.

Relief washed over me as I stepped out of the courtroom.

Life wouldn’t be easy as a single mom, but raising my child in a safe and honest environment was worth it. Octavius might have taken away our future, but he couldn’t take away my strength or my determination to rebuild our lives.

Ava, too, became a victim of her husband’s lies, but life was about to get interesting for her.

5. I Caught My Cheating Husband at the Airport

Hey, I’m Ava. My marriage to Brian was on the rocks, but I was still hopeful we could fix things.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjoureny

So, with a ticket to Paris, I surprised him at the airport, only to find him with another woman. He pulled me to the side when I called out to him, and he was anything but happy to see me.

“This isn’t a good time, Ava. It’s a business trip,” he said, snatching and tearing up my ticket. “And before you get any ideas, the woman with me, Nina… she’s just a colleague. Go home.”

He just walked away, leaving me alone. That’s when Jack, a handsome pilot, saw me. Touched by my story, he offered me a first-class seat to Paris.

On the flight, Brian showed up, angry that I was there. Jack, however, defended me and reminded Brian of how he should treat his wife. But Brian wasn’t done yet.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Later, he threatened to cut off my credit cards. Thankfully, a flight attendant asked him to return to his seat. Jack then offered for me to stay in his hotel suite in Paris, all expenses covered. Though hesitant, I accepted, touched by his kindness.

Paris became my healing ground. Jack, my unexpected friend, explored the city with me. Our bond grew stronger with each passing day, and under the Eiffel Tower’s glow, I realized I was falling for him.

Then, I received an email about a job at a prestigious fashion house in Paris – a chance for a new, independent life. I discussed it with Jack during a walk.

“This is incredible!” he said. “You deserve it.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“But what about us?” I asked, worried about our blossoming relationship.

“Love is about supporting each other’s dreams,” he replied, taking my hands. “No matter what you decide, I’ll be here for you.”

His words warmed my heart. Here was a man who truly cared about me. We kissed under the rain, and I knew I’d found not just a lover but a true partner.

When it was time to leave, Jack offered me a choice: return to New York with him or stay for the job. “I’ve found love here,” I admitted, “and you changed everything in my life. I want to give us a chance.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

So, we returned to New York together, committed to each other. But reality struck as soon as we landed. Jack was worried about the distance his pilot job created.

“I love you,” I reassured him, “and we can figure this out together.”

“Let’s take some time to think,” he said gently. “We both need to be sure.”

We said goodbye with a peck, and a wave of uncertainty washed over me. Just then, Brian appeared with his mistress. Yes, Nina wasn’t just his colleague and the business trip… well, Brian was cheating on me.

“How’s life after your pilot fling?” he sneered.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Nina finally noticed me and gasped. “Wife?” she questioned. Well, she didn’t know Brian was married.

Brian dismissed her, but Nina, furious at his lies, slapped him. “We’re done,” she declared and walked away.

Watching her leave, I felt nothing but relief. I was finally free from Brian.

Then, inspired by my journey and love for Jack, I decided to become an air hostess. With his unwavering support, I trained and thrived. Finally, on my first flight, I saw Jack on the same route.

His proud gaze met mine as I walked down the aisle. We embraced and shared a kiss, sealing a promise of a future filled with love and adventure together.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

So, the next time your significant other gets a little too friendly with someone else, remember — cheaters never prosper. And who knows, maybe your story of sweet, sweet revenge will be next!

But wait! If you enjoyed reading these, you might also like these stories of five strong people who didn’t lose hope and reclaimed their lives despite facing homelessness during hard times.

We’re curious: What do you think about these stories? Tell us in the comments!

And if you have a crazy story to share, too, we’d love to hear it! Send it to [email protected].

Note: These pieces are inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only.

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