new 315

Entitled Colleagues Made a New Worker Serve Them – They Were Floored to Discover Her Real Identity Later

Jessica, quietly enduring mistreatment by her colleagues, harbors a secret. As tensions rise at a prestigious jewelry company, mysterious financial discrepancies surface. Disguised truths unravel at the annual ball, revealing unexpected identities and shocking betrayals. In this story, nothing is as it seems.

Jessica walked into the bustling office of the renowned jewelry brand, feeling a mix of nerves and determination.

An office with a view of the city | Source: Midjourney

An office with a view of the city | Source: Midjourney

She had a big task before her, and, of course, she was more than ready to rise to the occasion. Michael had briefed her on whatever she needed to do, and now, she was ready to prove herself.

As she moved around, her colleagues noticed her timid nature. She wanted to be easy-going and effortless, so she chose plain clothes and minimal makeup.

“No need to make a fuss,” she told herself as she put on her thin hoop earrings.

A woman in formal clothes | Source: Midjourney

A woman in formal clothes | Source: Midjourney

But despite her understated appearance, she was undeniably beautiful, and within days of being at the office, Jessica became the office’s personal errand-woman.

“You there!” Melissa barked. “You, go get me a coffee! I’d like a venti iced java chip frappuccino, triple shot. And a chocolate muffin. Can you handle that? Do you need to write it down?”

A woman sitting at a desk with papers scattered in front of her | Source: Midjourney

A woman sitting at a desk with papers scattered in front of her | Source: Midjourney

Melissa was the self-appointed queen bee of the office, and she was rarely seen without her phone. If Jessica had to keep an eye on anyone, it was her.

Jessica nodded and hurried off to the break room to get Melissa’s muffin. She’d have to leave the building to get the drink.

A close-up of a muffin | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a muffin | Source: Midjourney

“And take this to the dry cleaner,” Linda said, throwing her coat on Jessica’s desk. “There’s one across our building. Make it a rush job because I need it for tomorrow.”

Jessica obliged without complaint. She grabbed the coat and made sure she had Melissa’s coffee order ringing in her head.

A tall glass of iced coffee | Source: Midjourney

A tall glass of iced coffee | Source: Midjourney

“Mean girls still exist outside of high school?” she muttered to herself as she got into the elevator.

During lunch, Linda and Melissa sat at a table in the corner of the room, whispering loudly as Jessica opened her container of pasta salad.

Pasta on a plate | Source: Midjourney

Pasta on a plate | Source: Midjourney

“What do you think of the new girl?” Linda asked.

“I think that we can break her soon,” Melissa said. “Her spirit is too quiet, too timid. We can send her on her way soon.”

“And what about her shoes? Did you see how out of style they are? If you’re in the fashion business, you should know these things,” Linda sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

Two women laughing in the corridor | Source: Midjourney

Two women laughing in the corridor | Source: Midjourney

Melissa laughed loudly as she dipped her spoon into her yogurt.

“I know, right? Who on earth wears last season’s fashion in this office?” she asked.

Jessica glanced at them, rolling her eyes slightly. She could handle these women.

A woman holding a spoon and smiling with her eyes closed | Source: Midjourney

A woman holding a spoon and smiling with her eyes closed | Source: Midjourney

And soon, the annual corporate ball was approaching. It was going to be the biggest event of the year, and Jessica was finally going to go.

The invitations were highly coveted, and Jessica had received one, placed at the center of her desk.

A fancy invitation | Source: Midjourney

A fancy invitation | Source: Midjourney

“Oh!” she exclaimed, picking it up and looking at the beautiful embossed paper.

But when she went to the bathroom, she returned to find it missing from her desk.

Melissa leaned on Jessica’s desk, grinning with satisfaction.

“Oh, it looks like you won’t be going to the ball after all, Cinderella,” she said.

A close up of a woman sneering | Source: Midjourney

A close up of a woman sneering | Source: Midjourney

Jessica’s heart sank, but she maintained her composure.

“I see,” she replied calmly.

The night of the ball arrived, and everyone made their way to the hotel’s grand ballroom.

A fancy ballroom setting | Source: Midjourney

A fancy ballroom setting | Source: Midjourney

Melissa and Linda were mingling with everyone, enjoying the luxury and glamour, when the biggest plot twist arrived. The doors swung open, revealing Jessica.

Jessica stood there, wearing an elegant gown, her hair styled to perfection. But what floored them was the arm that she clung to.

A close-up of a woman at an event | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a woman at an event | Source: Midjourney

Jessica, the new woman at the office, was on the arm of Michael Hunter, the company’s CEO.

Linda gasped loudly.

“No way! Is that Jessica? With Michael?!” Melissa gasped, her eyes wide in disbelief, spilling her champagne.

A young couple dressed in formal wear, their foreheads touching | Source: Midjourney

A young couple dressed in formal wear, their foreheads touching | Source: Midjourney

But why was Jessica with Michael?

It had all been part of a bigger plan. Jessica had endured Melissa and Linda’s taunts and demands, silently observing the office dynamics, because she had a mission to complete.

A woman sitting with her laptop | Source: Midjourney

A woman sitting with her laptop | Source: Midjourney

Her husband, the CEO, had noticed discrepancies in the company’s finances. Money was disappearing, and Jessica had volunteered to go undercover to expose the culprit.

She didn’t expect to be treated so poorly, but she had no other choice. Her husband needed her. His business depended on her.

A jewelry collection | Source: Midjourney

A jewelry collection | Source: Midjourney

As the days turned into weeks, and Jessica meticulously gathered information, she noticed a pattern with the financial records.

“It all points to Melissa, darling,” she told Michael one night while having dinner together at home.

A couple in their kitchen | Source: Midjourney

A couple in their kitchen | Source: Midjourney

And it did. Because soon after Jessica joined the company, she would often hear Melissa bragging about her lavish lifestyle and the expensive purchases she would make.

“She lives well beyond her means, buying ridiculously expensive things,” Jessica said.

A woman with shopping bags | Source: Midjourney

A woman with shopping bags | Source: Midjourney

“Continue playing your role, honey,” Michael told her. “Soon, the truth will reveal itself.”

One day, as Jessica was sorting through files, she overheard Melissa and Linda talking.

“Have you seen my new bracelet? It’s real gold!” Melissa said, waving her wrist in front of her friend.

“It’s stunning, Mel!” Linda gushed. “But how do you afford all these luxuries on our salary? We all know that the real money is with the jewelry design team, not with us and marketing.”

A gold bracelet on a wrist | Source: Midjourney

A gold bracelet on a wrist | Source: Midjourney

“Let’s just say that I have my ways,” Melissa said.

Jessica took note of that conversation, adding it to the growing list of Melissa’s suspicious activities.

Back at the ball, Jessica and her husband continued to mingle with the guests. Some were too taken aback by her presence and ignored her. Others smiled politely before glancing away.

People mingling at an event | Source: Midjourney

People mingling at an event | Source: Midjourney

But then the moment that Jessica had been waiting for arrived. Michael stepped onto the stage, the microphone held tightly in his hands.

“Good evening, everyone,” he announced, silencing the room. “I’d like to introduce my wife, Jessica. Now, I’ve spoken about Jess before, and she’s been touring different countries for jewelry designs but she got back recently, and here she is.”

Jessica smiled at the captive audience.

“I want you all to know how much I appreciate your dedication and effort that you pour into this company. It’s because of you that we’re here and thriving and ready for the next year! But before we celebrate our wins, there’s something we need to discuss about the company. Jessica has been working undercover in our office to investigate a serious issue that has been going on in silence.”

A man speaking into a mic | Source: Midjourney

A man speaking into a mic | Source: Midjourney

Collective gasps filled the room.

“Jess, come and explain,” Michael said.

Jessica stepped forward and retrieved some folded documents from her bag.

“In the name of transparency, we’re going to be very open about this issue. Melissa Stevens, you’ve been stealing from the company. These records show unauthorized transactions linked to your account.”

A woman speaking into a mic | Source: Midjourney

A woman speaking into a mic | Source: Midjourney

Melissa’s face turned red with embarrassment.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, ma’am,” she said.

Still, Jessica continued.

“You used the money to fund your extravagant lifestyle. While you mocked me and belittled me, I was uncovering your deceit.”

A woman hiding her face in embarrassment | Source: Midjourney

A woman hiding her face in embarrassment | Source: Midjourney

The crowd’s murmurs grew louder as the weight of Jessica’s words sank in. Her husband spoke again, his voice firm.

“Melissa, I’m sorry, but you’re fired. And legal action will be taken against you because this is unacceptable.”

Melissa’s eyes filled with tears, and she fled the ballroom, humiliated.

A woman walking away | Source: Midjourney

A woman walking away | Source: Midjourney

“Now, please, everyone,” Michael said. “Enjoy the rest of the evening!”

Jessica continued to walk through the crowd, greeting people and watching them suddenly respect her.

“I’m so sorry for the part I played,” Linda said, approaching Jessica. “We had no idea who you really were.”

A close-up of a concerned woman | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a concerned woman | Source: Midjourney

Jessica smiled, a sense of satisfaction washing over her.

“It’s not about who I am. It’s about how you treat people. Remember that.”

Later that evening, as the ball continued, the food and alcohol free-flowing, Jessica and Michael found a quiet corner to talk.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked, concern in his eyes.

A close-up of a man | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a man | Source: Midjourney

“I am. It was difficult, but it was necessary. We have to protect this company; it’s our legacy, honey,” she said.

“I’m so proud of you,” Michael told her.

Jessica looked around the ballroom, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She had not only protected their business but also revealed the true nature of those who had wronged her.

A smiling young woman | Source: Midjourney

A smiling young woman | Source: Midjourney

What would you have done?

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