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Driver Blocked the Road to the Hospital for Me and My Sick Son So He Could Get Coffee — Karma Punished Him Instantly

My tale is about how karma can humble you most unexpectedly. I found a way to punish a careless driver who made me late for an important appointment only to find karma waiting for me with the same lesson! Read on to see what happened.

At the end of my story, you and I, dear reader, would have learned a valuable lesson in humbleness and humility. What began as a simple day with a doctor’s appointment for my son ended up with us returning home with a cab and not our car. All because of one man.

A mother and her son using a computer | Source: Pexels

A mother and her son using a computer | Source: Pexels

That day started like any other, with the sun shining and birds chirping outside our window. We had a morning routine that flowed smoothly. Firstly, we had breakfast, then packed Liam’s bag before heading out the door. But as fate would have it, the universe had other plans for us.

Driving down Main Street, Liam and I were singing along to his favorite songs on the radio. I glanced at him in the rearview mirror, and his pale face reminded me of why we were going to the hospital. His condition had worsened, and today’s appointment was crucial.

A happy boy in the backseat of a car | Source: Freepik

A happy boy in the backseat of a car | Source: Freepik

My heart ached every time I looked at him, wishing I could take away his pain. My son and I were heading to the hospital for a scheduled doctor’s appointment. It was an appointment that we absolutely couldn’t be late for. We even woke up super early and left earlier than necessary to ensure we were on time.

But as we approached the intersection near Elm Avenue, the traffic came to a sudden halt. We got stuck behind a car that was parked in the middle of the road. The car was obstructing the entire lane!

A car parked on the road | Source: Pexels

A car parked on the road | Source: Pexels

There was no way to go around it because the opposite lane was blocked due to roadwork. Frustration boiled inside me as I honked the horn, hoping the driver would come back and move the vehicle.

But there was no response, only the increasing sound of honking from other frustrated drivers. “What is wrong with people?” I muttered, gripping the steering wheel.

People doing roadwork | Source: Pexels

People doing roadwork | Source: Pexels

My son coughed weakly from the back seat, reminding me why we needed to get moving. Turns out the “driver” just left his car there and went off somewhere. I mean, I seriously had no way around it! I couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

So as I was about to reverse, I saw a massive traffic jam behind me! We were trapped! I decided to get out of the car and find the driver because sitting there was irritating me. “Stay here, Liam. I’ll be right back,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm despite my rising anxiety.

A woman stepping out of her car | Source: Pexels

A woman stepping out of her car | Source: Pexels

“Sorry for the delay guys! A car is parked right in front of me and I can’t go anywhere. I am going to try and look for the driver okay?” I shouted to the other drivers as I left my car. As I walked and ran up and down the street, I couldn’t see anyone who might be the driver blocking the road.

I asked a few people if they had seen where he went but everyone’s response was the same, “No.” I spent a good 25 minutes trying to find this inconsiderate person as cars continued piling up and honking!

Two women talking in the street | Source: Pexels

Two women talking in the street | Source: Pexels

We were now running late and I was beyond frustrated! Then, out of nowhere, I saw a man sauntering out with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. He was tall, wearing sunglasses and a smirk that made my blood boil.

All along while I went up and down looking for him, he was in a small café about twenty meters away from his car! “Is that your car blocking the road?” I asked, my voice louder than I intended as I tried blocking his path.

An angry woman shouting at an annoyed man | Source: Midjourney

An angry woman shouting at an annoyed man | Source: Midjourney

“Yeah, sorry about that,” he replied nonchalantly and walked around me as if he didn’t see me there. “The waiter took forever with my coffee!” What got to me was that he said that with sarcasm to all the angry drivers honking at him!

My blood boiled. “I have a sick child who needs to get to the hospital! Move your car now!” “Chill out, lady. I needed my coffee,” he replied, completely unfazed. He sighed dramatically as if I were the one inconveniencing him!

An angry woman shouting | Source: Pexels

An angry woman shouting | Source: Pexels

I couldn’t believe his audacity! “Do you realize you’re holding up traffic and causing a huge jam? People have places to be, including me and my sick son who needs to get to the hospital!” He shrugged, clearly unmoved by my predicament.

“Not my problem,” he said with a smug grin. But as soon as he uttered those words he regretted it because a cyclist zipped past him from behind. The cyclist accidentally clipped his arm, causing him to spill his hot coffee all over himself.

A cyclist on the road | Source: Pexels

A cyclist on the road | Source: Pexels

He yelped in pain, stumbled, and fell awkwardly, clutching his leg! I wanted to feel satisfied, but my innate kindness took over. “Are you okay?” I asked, kneeling beside him despite my anger. “My leg… I think it’s broken,” he groaned, his face contorted in pain.

“Great,” I thought sarcastically, “Just what we need.” Gone was the arrogant man full of himself as he started begging me to help him! Leaving him there wasn’t an option for a kind-hearted soul like me. “Can you stand?”

A man lying on the floor while a woman kneels next to him | Source: Midjourney

A man lying on the floor while a woman kneels next to him | Source: Midjourney

He shook his head, tears of pain streaming down his face. “Please, I need help.” With a sigh, I said, “Fine, I’ll help you because I was already on my way to the hospital.” His instant relief irritated me a bit.

“But first, give me your car keys so I can move your car out of the way.” He fumbled in his pocket and handed me the keys as he groaned in pain. “Thank you,” he mumbled. “Please park it safely, that’s one expensive car.”

An injured man handing over his cars keys to a woman | Source: Midjourney

An injured man handing over his cars keys to a woman | Source: Midjourney

His statement annoyed me all over again. I quickly moved his car, but instead of parking it properly, I left it in a no-parking zone. The thought of sweet revenge had already played through my mind and I was heading its call.

Where I parked it was a prohibited place and I hoped the car would be evacuated and the rude man would be issued a large fine. He was still lying on the floor and other drivers had surrounded him, trying to help him up, so he didn’t see what I did.

A no-parking sign | Source: Pixabay

A no-parking sign | Source: Pixabay

I needed to get him and Liam to the hospital. So, I returned to my car, and with the help of other drivers, we got him into the back seat beside my son. I drove off as fast as I could. During the drive, the man kept groaning and apologizing, his arrogance replaced by genuine regret.

Pain can have that kind of effect on a person. “I’m really sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Liam, ever the curious kid, asked, “Mom, why is this man with us?” I glanced at my son through the rearview mirror.

An injured man with a little boy in the backseat of a car | Source: Pexels

An injured man with a little boy in the backseat of a car | Source: Pexels

“He made a mistake, and now we’re helping him. It’s important to be kind, even when others aren’t.” When we finally reached the hospital, I helped the man out of the car and into a wheelchair, which a nurse kindly provided.

Even though we were a few minutes late, the doctor still admitted Liam immediately. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. “Thank you,” the man said while being wheeled away. “I owe you one.” I nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. “Just take care of yourself.”

A man on his phone while sitting on a wheelchair | Source: Pexels

A man on his phone while sitting on a wheelchair | Source: Pexels

Before going in to attend to Liam, I realized I needed to go back and lock the car. I’d run out with the man and my son that I didn’t lock the vehicle. I jogged to where I’d parked but my heart sank when I saw that my car was gone!

There, in its place, was a sign I had failed to notice earlier: “No Parking. Violators will be towed.” A parking enforcement officer approached me, holding a ticket. “Ma’am, was that your car that was standing here?” I nodded without looking at him.

A police officer | Source: Pexels

A police officer | Source: Pexels

“It has been towed. Here’s the fine.” I took the ticket with a resigned smile. “Thanks,” I said, realizing the irony. Karma had caught up with me too! It appeared I too was being punished in response to where I’d parked that insolent driver’s flashy car!

After Liam’s appointment, which went smoothly, I walked outside. I felt a sense of humbleness and accomplishment. As I waited for a cab to take us home, I reflected on the day’s events. Sometimes, life has a funny way of teaching us lessons.

An officer writing a ticket | Source: Pexels

An officer writing a ticket | Source: Pexels

The man had inconvenienced us, but in the end, we both faced the consequences of our actions. Liam looked up at me and smiled. “Mom, you’re a good person.” I hugged him tightly. “Thanks, sweetheart. Let’s get home and have some ice cream.”

And as we headed home, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Life, with its twists and turns, never failed to surprise me!

A happy woman hugging a boy | Source: Pexels

A happy woman hugging a boy | Source: Pexels

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